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SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 19, 1995 -- The Windows* Sockets Group today announced the availability of the WinSock 2 API specification. The specification allows hardware and software vendors to design systems and applications that can access virtually any type of underlying network, including traditional LAN stacks (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, OSI), ATM networks, wireless networks and telephony networks.

WinSock 2 also gives applications the ability to negotiate the quality of service features of networks such as ATM, ISDN and cable. In addition, by maintaining 100% binary compatibility with the current WinSock 1.1 specification, WinSock 2-compliant systems will have immediate compatibility with the dozens of existing WinSock applications.

In support of WinSock 2, Intel Corporation’s Architecture Labs (IAL) and Microsoft Corporation are working together to create a software developers’ kit (SDK). The WinSock 2 SDK

  • Enables the development of applications independent of underlying networks
  • Creates a communications infrastructure ready for new network technologies such as ATM, wireless, ISDN, cable and infrared
  • Lets applications take advantage of networks that offer quality of service guarantees
  • Promotes seamless integration of telephony and data communications by exposing interoperability mechanisms between TAPI (the Windows Telephony API) and WinSock.

Copies of the WinSock 2 specification can be obtained free of charge via anonymous FTP and the World Wide Web at:

The Windows Sockets Group is a loosely structured industry coalition made up of industry leaders working together to further enhance the capabilities of the WinSock specification. The group is led by Intel, Microsoft, Novell, Stardust Technologies and SunSoft. Other companies involved include AT&T, Beame and Whiteside, Cisco, Digital, Distinct Software, Eicon Technology, Ericsson, FTP Software, IBM, ICL, Lotus, McCaw Cellular, Motorola, NetManage, Netscape, Northern Telecom, Oracle, Wall Data, Wollongong, and WRQ. Visit the above-referenced Web sites for more information on the Windows Sockets Group or contact Marty Bickford at Stardust Technologies at (408) 879-8080.

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